The Alpha Digital 7

5 Amazingly Effective Facebook Ads Tips to Apply to Local Businesses

You all learn that Facebook is one of the advertising platforms that provide a number of astounding ways for businesses for reaching out to target audiences, engage with them in a meaningful manner, and build a brand online.

Although there are companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Adidas which use Facebook Ads extensively for promoting their business, what about the local businesses or the small brands?

Well, here in this post, you’ll learn 5 effective Facebook ad tips that would help local businesses to get customers online and generate more revenues. Read it further to discover the various Facebook Ad targeting tips!

1. Facebook Ads should have a Defined Goal!

When it comes to promoting your business to make it a brand, you must learn the reason why you want to advertise on Facebook. Are you doing it for creating awareness of your brand?

Are you looking up to get more likes on your business’s Facebook Page? Do you want to increase traffic to your website or drive more conversions? These all are the marketing goals that you need to define before running Facebook Ads.

Once you are done deciding and defining the goals of marketing, it would become easy for you to choose the objectives of running the Facebook Ad Campaign.

In addition to this, you’ll be able to design highly customized Ads as well. The Ad platform of Facebook can easily support around 11 distinct objectives of marketing. Undoubtedly, it would help you create various kinds of ad campaigns.

2. Learn your Target Audience for your Facebook Ads

Learning about your customers is one of the most important parts of a Facebook Ad Campaign. Facebook is a platform that gives you a broad range of options to learn how to target an audience on Facebook ads.

Facebook enables you to target customers by location, gender, age, behavior, likes and interests, and many others. If you’re thinking to target the audience based on the location, you can specify it by countries, states, regions, cities, zip codes, and a particular address.

In addition to this, you can easily re-target your existing audience with whom you have had an interaction previously.

For instance, suppose there’s one event that you’re going to organize in your city, then you can easily target the audience in your city to attend your event. You can specify these criteria while creating your Facebook Ad.

3. Design Visual Facebook Ads that Catch the Eye

Over the past few years, Facebook has started favoring visual content over text. All of you must have noticed how images and videos have occupied more space on the news feed of users, than the posts having plain text.

Since there are many Facebook Ads that are based on images, it’s important to curate something that catches the eye and is of distinctive visual design.

While designing visual Facebook Ads, make sure that you’re making it easy for customers to recognize your brand. If you have an identifiable visual style, it plays an essential role in creating brand awareness and loyalty as well.

For some of the brands like Redbull, most followers on social media easily recognize that the posts are from these brands because of their distinctive visual design of Facebook Ads.

4. Use Facebook Ad Management Tools

If you are new to creating Facebook Ads, it’s recommended to use certain Facebook Ad Manager tools like Qwaya, HootSuite Ads, and others.

These tools would help you create and manage several Facebook Ads for your local business. Using the ad managers, you’ll be able to test multiple ad creatives for various customers.

In addition to this, it would be easier for you to understand the impact of all the ad campaigns individually. You’ll get detailed analytics about your running Facebook Ads, and the landing pages.

You can get to learn it from the number of views you got on your ad to the conversion rates. This would enable you for measuring and optimizing the ROI of your Facebook Ad Campaign.

5. Try Mobile Ad Marketing

No matter whether you are running a big or a local business, you can go mobile. From the recent reports of Facebook, around 84% of its revenue is through mobile marketing.

For this reason, to create brand awareness in the targeted locations, you can create Mobile Ads featuring images and videos of your products.

Wrapping it Up

All the aforementioned effective Facebook advertising tips are the best ways and techniques. These techniques have proved to be successful over the past few years.

Implementing and following these Facebook advertising strategies while running your Facebook Ads will help you grow your audience.

You can use these tips for creating awareness about your local business to make it a brand. All you need to do is to apply these tips correctly. Contact us today.

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